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International journals
International Conferences
Workshops and National Conferences
Parts in books
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability in Multi-Agent Organizations: from Conceptual Design to Agent Programming. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 37.1.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Exception Handling as a Social Concern. IEEE Internet Computing. 26.6, pp. 33–40.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, G. Chiappino, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Exception Handling in SARL as a Responsibility Distribution. In E. Shakshuki, editor, The 13th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) / The 5th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40). Vol. 201. Procedia Computer Science. Elsevier, pp. 795–800.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, M. Bucciarelli, S. Capecchi, E. Gandolfi, C. Gena, F. Ianì, M. Lai, E. Marengo, R. Meo, R. Micalizio, P. Pasteris, A. Rapp, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability e Responsabilità nei Processi Distribuiti, AI ed Educazione, Analisi di Bandi di Gara e Processi di Costruzione. In Ital-IA 2022 - Secondo Convegno Nazionale CINI sull'Intelligenza Artificiale.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Reimagining Robust Distributed Systems through Accountable MAS. IEEE Internet Computing 25.6, pp. 7–14.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Demonstrating Exception Handling in JaCaMo. In F. Dignum, J. M. Corchado, and F. De La Prieta, editors, Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good. The PAAMS Collection - 19th International Conference, PAAMS 2021, Salamanca, Spain, October 6–8, 2021, Proceedings. Vol. 12946. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 341–345.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Distributing Responsibilities for Exception Handling in JaCaMo. In U. Endriss, A. Nowé, F. Dignum, and A. Lomuscio, editors, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. AAMAS '21. IFAAMAS, pp. 1752–1754.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Robustness Based on Accountability in Multiagent Organizations. In U. Endriss, A. Nowé, F. Dignum, and A. Lomuscio, editors, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. AAMAS '21. IFAAMAS, pp. 142–150.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Exception Handling in Multiagent Organizations: Playing with JaCaMo. In N. Alechina, M. Baldoni, and B. Logan, editors, Pre-Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, EMAS 2021, held in conjuction with AAMAS 2021.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Social Commitments for Engineering Interaction in Distributed Systems. In M. Kalech, R. Abreu, and M. Last, editors, Artificial Intelligence Methods for Software Engineering. World Scientific. Chap. 3, pp. 51–85.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. JADE/JaCaMo+2COMM: Programming Agent Interactions. In Y. Demazeau, T. Holvoet, J. M. Corchado, and S. Costantini, editors, Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi- Agent Systems, and Trustworthiness. The PAAMS Collection - 18th International Conference, PAAMS 2020, L’Aquila, Italy, October 7-9, 2020, Proceedings. Vol. 12092. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 388–391.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Responsibility in Multiagent Organizations for Engineering Business Processes. In L. A. Dennis, R. H. Bordini, and Y. Lespérance, editors, Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, 7th International Workshop, EMAS 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 13–14, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. Vol. 12058. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 3–24.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Is Explanation the Real Key Factor for Innovation?. In C. Musto, D. Magazzeni, S. Ruggieri, and G. Semeraro, editors, Proceedings of the Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence co-located with 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2020, Online Event, November 25-26, 2020. Vol. 2742. AI*IA Series. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 87–95.
S. Tedeschi. Engineering Multiagent Organizations Through Accountability. In P. Novais, G. Vercelli, J. L. Larriba-Pey, F. Herrera, and P. Chamoso, editors, Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications. 11th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence. Vol. 1239. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, pp. 305–308.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. MOCA: An ORM model for computational accountability. Intelligenza Artificiale 13.1, pp. 5-20.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Programming Agents by Their Social Relationships: A Commitment-Based Approach. Algorithms 12.4.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Engineering Business Processes through Accountability and Agents. In E. Elkind, M. Veloso, N. Agmon, and M. E. Taylor, editors, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, AAMAS '19, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 13-17, 2019. IFAAMAS, pp. 1796–1798.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Implementing Business Processes in JaCaMo+ by Exploiting Accountability and Responsibility. In E. Elkind, M. Veloso, N. Agmon, and M. E. Taylor, editors, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, AAMAS '19, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 13-17, 2019. IFAAMAS, pp. 2330–2332.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Agents for Engineering Business Processes. In M. Alviano, G. Greco, M. Maratea, and F. Scarcello, editors, Pre-proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2019) held in conjuction with AAMAS 2019, Montreal, Canada, May 13-14, 2019. Best Paper Award.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Engineering Multiagent Organizations by Accountability and Responsibility. In M. Alviano, G. Greco, M. Maratea, and F. Scarcello, editors, Discussion and Doctoral Consortium papers of AI*IA 2019 - 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Rende, Italy, November 19-22, 2019. Vol. 2495. AI*IA Series. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 12–23.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Computational Accountability in MAS Organizations with ADOPT. Applied Sciences, special issue ``Multi-Agent Systems'', 8.4.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, O. Boissier, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Responsibility in Agent Organizations. In T. Miller, N. Oren, Y. Sakurai, I. Noda, T. Savarimuthu, and Tran Cao Son, editors, PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems - 21st International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 29 - November 2, 2018, Proceedings. Vol. 11224. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 261–278.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. An Information Model for Computing Accountabilities. In C. Ghidini, B. Magnini, A. Passerini, and P. Traverso, editors, AI*IA 2018 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence - XVIIth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Trento, Italy, November 20-23, 2018, Proceedings. Vol. 11298. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 30–44.
V. Dignum, M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, M. Caon, R. Chatila, L. A. Dennis, G. Génova, G. Haim, M. S. Kließ, M. López-Sánchez, R. Micalizio, J. Pavón, M. Slavkovik, M. Smakman, M. van Steenbergen, S. Tedeschi, L. van der Torre, S. Villata, and T. de Wildt. Ethics by Design: Necessity or Curse?. In J. Furman, G. E. Marchant, H. Price, and F. Rossi, editors, Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, AIES 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, February 02-03, 2018. ACM, pp. 60–66.
S. Tedeschi. Accountable Agents and Where to Find Them. In J. Furman, G. E. Marchant, H. Price, and F. Rossi, editors, Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, AIES 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, February 02-03, 2018. ACM, pp. 384–385.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Accountability and Responsibility in Business Processes via Agent Technology. In M. Maratea and M. Vallati, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion co-located with the Federated Logic Conference, RCRA@FLOC 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 13, 2018. Vol. 2271. AI*IA Series. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Invited Paper.
S. Tedeschi. Computational Accountability and Responsibility in the MAS Domain. In M. Rospocher, L. Serafini, and S. Tonelli, editors, Proceedings of the AI*IA Doctoral Consortium (DC) co-located with the 17th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2018), Trento, Italy, November 20-23, 2018. Vol. 2249. AI*IA Series. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 21-25. Honourable Mention.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. ADOPT JaCaMo: Accountability-Driven Organization Programming Technique for JaCaMo. In B. An, A. L. C. Bazzan, J. Leite, S. Villata, and L. W. N. van der Torre, editors, PRIMA 2017: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems - 20th International Conference, Nice, France, October 30 - November 3, 2017, Proceedings. Vol. 10621. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 295–312.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Supporting Organizational Accountability Inside Multiagent Systems. In F. Esposito, R. Basili, S. Ferilli, and F. A. Lisi, editors, AI*IA 2017 Advances in Artificial Intelligence - XVIth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Bari, Italy, November 14-17, 2017, Proceedings. Vol. 10640. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 403– 417.
M. Baldoni, C. Baroglio, K. M. May, R. Micalizio, and S. Tedeschi. Computational Accountability. In F. Chesani, P. Mello, and M. Milano, editors, Proceedings of the AI*IA Workshop on Deep Understanding and Reasoning: A Challenge for Next-generation Intelligent Agents 2016 co-located with 15th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2016), Genova, Italy, November 28th, 2016. Vol. 1802. AI*IA Series. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 56–62.