
Bando Talenti della Società Civile, edizione 2020
Funding: Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Giovanni Goria
Project title: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Industry 4.0
Role: Research Fellow
Description: The goal of the project is to investigate how the technologies and tools developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support the activities of complex corporate and industrial realities. A methodology will be developed with the aim of integrating the different technological solutions offered within four macro-themes: Web of Things, Multi-Agent Systems, Business Process Management, Responsibility and Accountability for the construction of robust smart systems. The project aims at showing that AI can provide a fundamental contribution in building the industry of the future.

Accountable TrustwortHy Organizations and Systems (AThOS)
Funding: Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo
Role: Research Fellow
Description: AThOS is a two-year project started on July 2015. It tackles the problem of realizing trustworthy enterprises - private as well as public - by making accountable their internal business processes. The long-term goal of the project is therefore to enrich the business process management philosophy with concepts and techniques conceived for enabling accountable processes, and also for identifying decisional and objective responsibilities when unexpected deviations, undermining the trust among a number of partner enterprises, occur.